Extrait des notes de pochette de "Coat of many colors" Dolly Parton 1971

"Once upon a childhood memory, I laid at Mama's feet by the old pedal sewing machine that Mama sewed on so often. This particular time Mama was making me a little coat to wear to school the next day.
Mama was always singing songs to us and telling Bible stories and as Mama sewed my little coat of green, blue, red and yellow corduroy, she told me the story of Joseph and the Coat of many colors from the Bible. I would always cry when Mama told the part about how the brothers of Joseph betrayed him and sold him to Egypt. The story had always been my favorite from the Bible and the coat that Mama was making for me just made me love the story more.
The coat that Mama was making was not only to keep me warm but also to give me something pretty to have my picture made at school the next day. This was to be the first time I had ever had my picture made to my knowledge and I was so excited about it and my coat as well.
But as my story goes when I got to school the next day the other children laughed at my coat and I couldn't understand why because to me it was beautiful. It hurt me deeply and being sensitive like I've always been. I cried but I was so proud of my coat and the thought of having my picture for Mama that I smiled through my tears and the tears are plain in the picture and so is the smile. This picture is one I cherish above all others because it holds a precious memory of my mama, a mama that loved and raised truthful children with the help of God and a daddy with a strong hand and a gentle heart.
I have many memories of my childhood but none that touches me more deeply than my memory of my Coat of Many Colors that my mama made for me."

6 commentaires:

Unknown a dit…

This coat of many colors is as "La Madeleine" de Proust!"
Très belle et émouvante histoire!
Merci Monar'c. Tu es un grand sensible, vois-tu!

Fièvre de Monarc' a dit…

;-) Je vois, je vois... je suis grand, mais quelle cible?

Unknown a dit…

La cible des ...papouilles!!!! Arrêtes, arrêtes, tu me chatouilles!!! mdr. 4 ans!!!

Unknown a dit…

Scusi, Mdr!!!!
ça m'a échappé, sauf le respect que je vous dois, Son Altesse Royale!

Anonyme a dit…

Si jamais un jour mon enfant peut témoigner de manière commune de tout l'amour que je lui porte, alors peut-être que comme la maman de Dolly je pourrais me dire que j'ai réussi ma vie; et avec cette si belle chanson qui en atteste... Un pur bonbon (pour rester dans les souvenirs de l'enfance)!!

Fièvre de Monarc' a dit…

Caramels à la fleur de sel et narrations à double fond, secret d'une country riche et complexe, qui raccorde intime, émotions et quotidien...