Come on the sloop John B.
My grandfather and me,
Round Nassau town we did roam;
Drinking all night, ve got in a fight,
Ve feel so break-up,
ve vant to go home.
So h'ist up the John B. sails,
See how the mainsail set,
Send for the captain-shore,
let us go home,
Let me go home, let me go home,
I feel so break-up,
I vant to go home"
Où comment passer du floklore bahaméen à l'hymne pop intemporel à travers 60 années de re-création musicale américaine.
5 commentaires:
The John B. was an old sponger boat whose crew were in the habit of getting notoriously merry whenever they made port. It was wrecked and sunk at Governor's Harbour in Eleuthera, the Bahamas, in about 1900.
"Sloop John B" is the seventh track on The Beach Boys' Pet Sounds album and was also a single which was released in 1966 on Capitol Records. It was originally a traditional West Indies folk song, possibly recorded earliest by The Weavers under the title "Wreck of the John B", the song taken from a collection by Carl Sandburg (1927). Alan Lomax made a field recording of the song in Nassau, 1935, under the title "Histe Up the John B. Sail". This recording appears on the album Bahamas 1935: Chanteys And Anthems From Andros And Cat Island. The song was adapted by Weavers member Lee Hays. The recording of the song which directly influenced The Beach Boys was by The Kingston Trio.
The Beach Boys' Alan Jardine, who was a keen folk music fan, suggested to Brian Wilson that the Beach Boys should do a cover version of "Sloop John B". As Jardine explains:
Brian was at the piano. I asked him if I could sit down and show him something. I laid out the chord pattern for 'Sloop John B'. I said, 'Remember this song?' I played it. He said, 'I'm not a big fan of the Kingston Trio.' He wasn't into folk music. But I didn't give up on the idea. So what I did was to sit down and play it for him in the Beach Boys idiom. I figured if I gave it to him in the right light, he might end up believing in it. So I modified the chord changes so it would be a little more interesting. The original song is basically a three-chord song, and I knew that wouldn't fly. So I put some minor changes in there, and it stretched out the possibilities from a vocal point of view. Anyway, I played it, walked away from the piano and we went back to work. The very next day, I got a phone call to come down to the studio. Brian played the song for me, and I was blown away. The idea stage to the completed track took less than 24 hours.
Al Jardine then explains that Brian "then lined us up one at a time to try out for the lead vocal. I had naturally assumed I would sing the lead, since I had brought in the arrangement. It was like interviewing for a job. Pretty funny. He didn't like any of us. My vocal had a much more mellow approach because I was bringing it from the folk idiom. For the radio, we needed a more rock approach. Brian and Mike ended up singing it. But I had a lot of fun bringing the idea to the band. It was very rewarding in every way but one; I was never given label credit for my contribution." On the final recording, Brian Wilson sang the first and third verses, while Mike Love sang the second verse.
Brian Wilson changed the lyrics in three of the lines of the song. He changed the lyric "This is the worst trip since I've been born" to "This is the worst trip I've ever been on". He also changed the lyric "I feel so break up" to "I feel so broke up." The line "broke into the people's trunk" is changed to "Broke in the captain's trunk."
Merci qui, Wikipedia bien sur ;o)
Hi Fredo !!!!!! Où es-tu passé ? Plus de compte YouTube ?? Au secours ! C'est de ta propre décision ? (ça m'étonnerait fort!). Donnes -moi des nouvelles mon Monar'c!!! J'espère juste que c'est pas Youtube qui t'ont sucré ton compte cause certains droits d'auteur!! Bisous bisous! REVIENS !!!.......
Et si! Ca me pendait au nez, et sur quellebanneblogue aussi. Mais ils ne previennent pas, certains diapos furent bloqués, certains tolérés officiellement, un auteur m'avait même autorisé à poursuivre... Et puis d'autres chaînes similaires se poursuivent, longues vies à elles! Un clip en mémoire de Bo diddley et Rauschenberg a été bloqué, j'ai alors reçu un avertissement concernant l'ensemble et en vérifiant... houps plus rien!!! ;o)
Pas grave, quelques échanges fabuleux, avec les amis you tuber, Sakura, Countrygirl, un chroniqueur ciné de Libé dont j'étais fan, le fils de Mike Pedicin, Arnaud Fleurent-Didier, un ami de Cannibal & the Headhunters, et de nombreux témoignages forts sympathiques; le reste c'est du vent.
Je me sens en tout cas plus libre de me concentrer sur les chansons qui me bottent sans plus vraiment être astreint à vérifier ce qui est déjà en ligne ou pas... avant censure commerciale!
Car c'est un commerce, la musique adoucit l'argent du beurre! Je suis donc un voleur... Car comme tout le monde le sait ou l'imagine, je n'ai jamais acheté les milliers de disques que je possède et je ne paie pas ma connection internet et je perçois des milliers de cesterces en retour, à communiquer ces morceaux qui passent sans arrêt sur Nostalgie et M6 et que tout le monde chantonne dans le métro. A cause de moi le pdg d'Universal chantonne tristement: "Mon disque dort, sur l'étagère, il ne se vend pas..."
Monarc': le Jean Valjean du net!
Oh mon p'tit Monarc'! Je suis trop triste pour toi! C'est vrai qu'ils sont tous débiles!!! Je me suis souvent mise en pétard pour les mêmes raisons! Mais toi c'est bien pire car tu es un vrai fan de la bonne musique, tu en connais un sacré rayon, tu as investi dans l'achat de chef d'oeuvre, tu parles de tous ces artistes avec amour et admiration!! Et d'autres se gavent avec du vent dans la tête!... Saches que je pense à toi toujours, et je viens te voir sur ton blog! Pourvu qu'il ne soit jamais effacé : tu es un énorme rayon de soleil pour moi! Gros bisous Frdo!
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